There are many types of child care providers and there are different rules and regulations that pertain to each. The descriptions below and the requirements outlined should start you on your path to becoming a child care provider.
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How to Become a Provider
Child Care Centers
Child Care Centers provide care for six or more children below 13 years of age who attend less than 24 hours a day. Child care centers are required by state law to be licensed. Under the provisions of the Manual of Requirements for Child Care Centers (N.J.A.C. 10:122) every person or organization caring for six or more children below 13 years of age is required to secure a license from the Office of Licensing in the Department of Children and Families, unless the program is exempt by law. Please refer to 10:122-1.2(d) for a list of these exemptions.
If you decide to pursue licensure or have any questions, call The Department of Children and Families, Office of Licensing 1-877-667-9845 or click here to visit their website.
Registered Family Child Care Provider
This provider is an individual who is registered under the rules of the Family Child Care Provider Registration Act (see N.J.A.C. 10:126) and serves no more than five children at any one time.
If you decide to pursue registration or have any questions, call us at 973-923-1433.
Family, Friend, Neighbor Provider
This provider is an individual who has been evaluated and approved by the NJ Department of Human Services/Division of Family Development (DHS/DFD) or its designee and serves no more than two unrelated children for fewer than 24 hours of care per day.
In-Home Provider
These are individuals who have been evaluated and approved by DFD or its designee to care for the child in their own home for fewer than 24 hours of care per day.