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Important Information and Community Resources

The New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development (DHS/DFD) works in partnership with service providers and other state and municipal agencies throughout the state to ensure and help families’ access quality programs and services that meet their needs. You can find many of the programs on the DHS website

If you are deaf or hard of hearing, please call TTY 1-877-294-4356 to access any hotline: (voice callers use 7-1-1 NJ Relay)

NJ 2-1-1

Just dial 2-1-1 or

2-1-1 is a convenient way to assist individual’s access information or self-screen for many of programs supported by DHS/DFD. It will prompt you to answer a few questions about your household, income and other expenses which will then identify other programs for which you may qualify.

Advocates for Children of NJ

Advocates for Children of NJ push for better laws, policies, more effective funding and stronger services for children and families.


Child Care Help Line


Connects families to the local Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) agencies to help families determine if they are eligible for New Jersey’s Subsidy Program, find and locate quality child care services and other child care options.

Child Support Hotline

1-877-NJ KIDS1 (1-877-655-4371) or

Any individual can apply for all the available child support services.

Department of Education Pre-K Programs

The focus of the Division of Early Childhood Education (DECE) is to enhance social, emotional, physical, and academic development of New Jersey's children -- preschool through third grade -- by providing leadership, resources, and professional development in support of high-quality early childhood programs within a comprehensive, collaborative program.

Early Intervention Services (Birth to Age Three)

1-888-653-4463 or

The New Jersey Early Intervention System (NJEIS), under the Division of Family Health Services, for infants and toddlers, birth to age three, with developmental delays or disabilities, and their families.

Early Intervention Services (Over Age Three)

1-800-322-8174 or

New Jersey Early Intervention System Project Child Find – Assist families of preschoolers ages 3 through 5 concerned about their child’s development.

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

Federal: 1-800-929-1040 / State: 1-888-895-8179 or

EITC - is a federal and state tax credit benefit for individuals and families who earn low-to moderate incomes in NJ.

Ending Childhood Hunger

Be a champion to end hunger! To learn what you can do to ensure no child in our country goes hungry visit


Family Help Line

1-800-THE KIDS (1-800-843-5437)

24 hours a day - 7 days a week

If you're feeling stressed out, call the Family Help Line and work through your frustrations before a crisis occurs. You'll speak to sensitive, trained volunteers of Parents Anonymous who provide empathic listening about parenting and refer you to resources in your community.

Grow NJ Kids

Grow NJ Kids, New Jersey’s Quality Rating Improvement System, is New Jersey’s program to raise the quality of child care and early learning across the state.

Head Start

The Office of Head Start (OHS) promotes the school readiness of young children from low-income families through local programs. Head Start and Early Head Start programs support the mental, social, and emotional development of children from birth to age 5. Use the link above to locate Head Start near you.

Home Visitation Services

609-888-7400 or

Home Visitation provides helpful information and support to pregnant woman, new mothers or fathers, or other caregivers in the comfort and privacy of their home to ensure that babies and young children grow up healthy, happy and safe.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Infants and toddlers with disabilities (birth-2) and their families can receive early intervention services under IDEA Part C. Children and youth (ages 3-21) can receive special education and related services under IDEA Part B.


Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)

1-800-510-3102 or

The Home Energy Assistance Program helps very low-income residents with their heating and cooling bills, and makes provisions for emergency heating system services and emergency fuel assistance within the Home Energy Assistance Program.

NJ FamilyCare

1-800-701-0710 (TTY: 1-800-701-0720) or

New Jersey's publicly funded health insurance program - includes CHIP, Medicaid and Medicaid expansion populations. That means qualified NJ residents of any age may be eligible for free or low cost health insurance that covers doctor visits, prescriptions, vision, dental care, mental health and substance use services and even hospitalization.


This site will help to see if you are eligible for food assistance (SNAP), cash assistance (WFNJ/TANF or WFNJ/GA), and health Insurance (NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid). From there you can apply for services or learn about additional resources.

NJ Parent Link

The focus of NJ Parent Link is to meet the information and resource needs of expectant parents, families with young children (newborns to children entering kindergarten) and professional stakeholders vested in the health and well-being of New Jersey's children and families. Parenting and support resources for families with older children, school aged to young adulthood, are also available.

NJ Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (NJ SNAP)

1-800-687-9512 or

NJ SNAP is New Jersey's supplemental nutritional assistance program that can help low-income families buy the groceries they need to eat healthy. To apply online visit

Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN)

1-800-654-SPAN or

SPAN is an independent organization committed to empowering families as advocates and partners in improving education, health, and mental health outcomes for infants, toddlers, children and youth.

Social Service for the Homeless (SSH)

Provides assistance to New Jersey residents who are at risk of homelessness, but are ineligible for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families welfare, General Assistance welfare or Supplemental Security Income

Work First New Jersey (WFNJ)

1-800-792-9773 or

The state's welfare reform program provides temporary cash assistance and many other support services to families through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program and to individuals and couples with no dependent children, through the General Assistance (GA) program.


Child Care Resources


Child Care Aware®

Child Care Aware® helps families learn more about the elements of quality child care and how to locate programs in their communities. Child Care Aware® also provides child care providers with access to resources for their child care programs.


Farm to Preschool

Farm to Preschool is a growing movement across the country to bring fresh, nutritious foods from local farms to children in early education and child care programs. Farm to Preschool also includes activities that promote nutrition and physical activity like gardening with preschoolers, field trips to farmers' markets, and class food preparation and taste testing. For more information visit


High Scope

High Scope provides training for preschool and elementary teachers and administrators. They conduct research projects on the effectiveness of educational programs and developing early childhood and youth development curriculum. High Scope publishes books, videos, curriculum materials, and assessment tools for educators and researchers.


IRS Child Care Providers Audit Technique Guide

This guide from the US Internal Revenue Service explains what tax examiners are expected to know about the tax returns of child care providers and programs.,,id=206004,00.html


Language Castle Connection

News you need to teach young children who are learning in two languages. 

National Child Care Information and Technical Assistance Center

This agency provides information on topics commonly of interest to parents and providers; Resources include how to open a child care business, professional development, licensing regulations, and child development and early learning. They also offer a list of publications, organizations, and useful websites.


National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER)

NIEER conducts and communicates research to support high quality, effective, early childhood education for all young children. Such education enhances their physical, cognitive, and social development, and subsequent success in school and later life.


Child Care Aware of NJ

CCANJ believes that all children deserve access to high quality, affordable child care. Parents can get a list of Resource and Referral agencies outside of Union County, tips on quality child care, and download a child care check list.


NJ Child Assault Prevention

CAP trains children, parents and teachers to prevent peer assault, stranger abduction and known adult assault.


NJ Early Intervention System (NJEIS)

NJEIS assists infants and toddlers, birth to age three with developmental delays or disabilities, and their families. A member of the early intervention team will come out and conduct an evaluation of the child to decide if there is a need for ongoing early intervention.


NJ Strengthening Families Initiative (NJ SFI)

The NJ Strengthening Families Initiative (SFI) goal is to help prevent child abuse and neglect by strengthening families through early care and education. Union County child care centers and family child care providers may participate in SFI. For more information on SFI visit If you are interested in participating in SFI, call 973-923-1433 ext. 143 or 106.


Prevent Child Abuse NJ

Prevent Child Abuse NJ is dedicated to preventing all forms of child abuse. They offer tips for parent (articles/brochures) as well as programs and trainings.


Program for Infant Toddler Care

The goal of PITC is to help infant/toddler providers to recognize the importance of giving tender, loving care and assisting in the infants' intellectual development. PITC's offer videos, guides, and manuals to help child care managers and providers to become sensitive to infants' cues, connect with their family and culture, and develop responsive, relationship-based care.


Teaching Strategies

Teaching Strategies is an educational publishing company serving the early childhood community exclusively. They are the publishers of The Creative Curriculum®.  They also offer professional development and family connection resources to programs serving children from birth to age 6.


Zero to Three

Zero to Three is dedicated to informing, training and supporting early childhood professionals, policymakers and parents in their efforts to improve the lives of infants and toddlers.

Health Websites


Alliance for a Healthier Generation

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation's goal is to reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity by 2015, and to empower kids nationwide to make healthy lifestyle choices. Founded in 2005 by the American Heart Association and William J. Clinton Foudation, the Alliance works to positvely affect the places that can make a difference in a child's health: homes, schools, doctor's offices, and communities.


Autism New Jersey

Autism New Jersey provides information, advocacy services, family and professional education, and consultation to those caring for a loved one with Autism.


Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Adolescent and School Health)

CThe Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a section on their website dedicated to Adolescent and School Health. It's goal is to promote the health and well-being of children and adolescents to enable them to become healthy and productive adults.


Let’s Move!

Let’s Move!is a program dedicated to solving the problem of childhood obesity. The Let’s Move! Initiative focus on creating a healthy start for children, empowering parents and caregivers, providing healthy food in schools, improving access to healthy, affordable foods and increasing physical activity.


NJ FamilyCare

The State of NJ provides affordable health insurance for children and certain low-income parents/guardians.


NJ Health Link

New Jersey HealthLink provides instant-access to valuable health care information. It gives details about health care services and eligibility, as well as contact names and phone numbers. It covers topics such as alcohol services, prescription drugs, nutrition and wellness, transportation services, assisted living and more.


The Pediatric/Adult Asthma Coalition of NJ

LThis website provides useful information with regards to Asthma including printable resources for parents and child care providers. Items include: Daily Asthma/Allergy Communication Form, Child Care Air Quality Chart, and Steps to Follow for an Asthma Episode.


Shaping NJ

This state program aims to promote healthy lifestyles. It does this by educating the public about being physically active, and eating healthy. It also gives information about how to find recreational facilities and nutritious foods where they live, work, learn and play. It's goal is to fight obesity and chronic disease prevention.

OOL Manual of Requirements


Manual: Requirements for Child Care Centers


Manual: Requirements for Family Child Care Registration

Other Resources

(Lists County, State, Federal & Private Resources)


Consumer Product Safety Commission

Federal agency that tracks recalled products, (for example toys and cribs) which can cause harm to children and families.


Division of Early Childhood Education (DECE)  

DECE is responsible for preschool through 3rd grade (PK3) programs that fall under the New Jersey Department of Education.


Division of Child Protection and Permanency - DCP&P (formerly DYFS)

DCP&P is responsible for investigating allegations of child abuse and neglect.  If necessary they arrange for the child's protection and the family's treatment. To report suspected child abuse and neglect, please call 1-877-NJ-ABUSE (652-2873)


NJ Dept. of Children and Families (DCF)

DCF’s goal is to strengthen families and assist in the overall welfare of children. The website has information on topics such as child safety, adoption services, education services and prevention. The state’s Child Abuse/Neglect Hotline is also under this department.

Open-Ended Materials for a Universal Design Approach to Teaching Multilingual Learners

Professional Development


Child Care Exchange

The Child Care Exchange website focuses on meeting the needs of child care directors and trainers.  The site offers a variety of useful resources including subscriptions to Exchange magazine and registration for the free child care daily newsletter,

Coalition for Infant and Toddlers Educators

(Annual conference; Membership available)

CITE promotes quality infant and toddler care education. They provide professional development workshops and conferences. CITE, in partnership with Professional Impact NJ offers the NJ Infant/Toddler Credential. This credential educates infant/toddler providers in center-based care and family child care programs. Infant/toddler providers may also become a member of CITE for a small fee.


Council for Professional Recognition

The Council for Professional Recognition promotes improved performance and recognition of professionals in the early childhood education of children aged birth to 5 years old. They award the Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential to early childhood providers working with children birth through 5 years old.


National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

(Annual conference; Membership available)

NAEYC is a leading voice for early childhood education.  They help policy makers and the public understand the benefits of high-quality child care programs and services.  They also advocate for affordable early childhood education for all children birth through age 8.


NJ Association for Education of Young Children (NJAEYC)

(Annual conference; Membership available)

This is the NJ chapter of NAEYC. It consists of early childhood professionals who are concerned with the well-being of children ages birth through eight. Providers can become a member of a local chapter of NJAEYC. NJAEYC host an annual conference for providers and some local chapters often host workshops.


National Association for Family Child Care

(Annual conference; Membership available)

National Association for Family Child Care is dedicated to promoting quality child care by strengthening the profession of family child care. Family child care providers can seek accreditation through this agency.


National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE)

(Annual conference; Membership available)

NAECTE members are from all across the United States and other countries who have a common interest in Early Childhood Teacher Education.


National Black Child Development Institute (NBCDI)

(Annual conference; Membership available)

NBCDI seeks to improve and protect the quality of life for children of color and their families.  Their focus is on early childhood education, child welfare, elementary and secondary education, and health.


NJ Child Care Association (NJCCA)

(Annual conference; Membership available)

NJCCA provides training and education opportunities to help child care centers enhance the effectiveness of center administration and management and improve the quality of care for the children they serve. NJCCA provides: professional training offered at the members' center, mentoring from established center directors, regional trainings and events, annual statewide NJCCA conference, national child care

conference and a speakers bureau.


NJ Family Child Care Providers' Association

(Annual conference; Membership available)

NJ Family Child Care Providers’ Association provides support services, educational development, information dissemination, and training to family child care providers.


NJ Inclusive Child Care Project

This project offers free workshops for parents and professionals in both English and Spanish. They also offer free on-site technical assistance and support to child care providers, including family child care providers and after-school programs on including children with special needs.


NJ School Age Care Coalition

 (Annual conference; Membership available)

NJ School Age Care Coalition provides training conferences, workshops, and information services for afterschool program professionals in New Jersey.




ED Pubs

The ED Pubs website has over 6,000 free publications on it by the U.S. Department of Education. These publications include: brochures, CD-ROMs, grant applications, newsletters, posters, research reports, videotapes, and financial aid products.


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